Page 20 - YB1924
P. 20
There was one of old who became enamored of the Prince of Light and of his Daughters, for he was a lover of the light of Knowledge. He besought the Prince that he might build him a palace of Knowledge upon the hills of Western Maryland, where the light of Knowledge might put to flight the night of ignorance. The Prince granted his request, and his daughters lent the glory of their service. So the apostle of light raised the imposing pile which now graces the heights, named Western Maryland College, that for fifty years has sent forth light to many lands. Artists and painters and philosophers and statesmen and scholars and priests of God have gone forth in the service of the Prince of Light, and the shadows of ignorance have vanished before them. From the light of her shining has come new vision and new ideals. Her sons and daughters are building new palaces of light wherever they go, and the Daughters of the Dawn are leading the way. This great Apostle of Light was James Thomas Ward, founder of Western Maryland College. He has long ago gone en to the Palace of the Day, but the light of his life shines on and will shine to the perfect day. A new Apostle of the dawn is with us, and still his name is Ward. He has caught the torch from the first great founder and is leading a new host into the thick of the battle against the forces of night. And still the Prince of Light dwells in the Palace of the Sun, and still his gracious daughters and their colorful garments of light cover with glory the ugliness and darkness of the blinded world and still the Prophets follow in their train, Sons of the Dawn, marching toward the summit where sunset never comes, nor night. "Lo, fainter now lie spread the shades of night, And upward spread the trembling gleams of morn; Suppliant we bend before the Lord of Light, And pray at early dawn." Fourteen
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