Page 19 - YB1924
P. 19
Prologue N the Palace of the Sun lived the Prince of Light with his seven daughters: Adeta, whose crimson robes reflected the blush upon the cheeks of new-born day; Bezeta, whose eyes were blue as ocean-depths, and her garments so radiantly blue that their reflection colored the cerulean dome of the skies; then came Celestia and Demetitia, one in yellow and gold, and the other in green like the lush grass that carpets the meadow. Trouping from the Palace of the Sun came still other fair and charming daughters-Effthia, Ferencia, and Gracetia. These seven daughters of the Prince of Light, each clothed in a different color, made the rainbow that shone in everlasting beauty about the throne in the Palace of the Sun. From them went forth the gentle hues that painted the flowers and the grasses and the sunset and the moun- tains. Wherever nature rioted in color, in summer or in autumn, in spring or in winter, it was the spirit of the dear daughters of the Prince of Light that painted with a divine art the glory that rested upon her. From the Palace of the Sun not only beamed forth the rays that illum- ined the world of nature, but also the light of knowledge. The daughters of Light kissed the eyes of poets until they were ravished with the vision of beautiful images, and they touched their tongues until words flowed forth in music so ecstatic that the world stopped to listen, entranced and glorified. They showed the artist angels in stones and they led philosophers down deep into the mines where jewelled thought was to be had for the seeking. And farther still they wandered afield until they revealed to the world the light of the Knowledge of God in the face of Christ. To the Prince of Light, to the Daughters of the Rainbow, there was one enemy of whom they stood in awe. It was the Prince of Darkness who dwelt in the Palace of the Night. It was the dastard joy of this Prince to slay the Prince of Light, and his beautiful daughters. He hated the Light because his deeds were evil. He hid within his shadows all manner of dark and dreadful deeds. The murderer and the drunkard and the thief, the ig- norant and the shameless found in him the friend they prized. Between the Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness was declared eternal war, and the story of time is the story of that great and mighty battle. On the one side is lined up with Light the sons of truth and love; and on the other the sons of ignorance and hate, and the ultimate will be when "There shall be no night," O'er all God's world Light alone shall be, and the Daughters of the Light will fling a rainbow athwart the sky that shall never again darken into night.
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