Page 90 - YB1923_Classical
P. 90
By tripping the shall her delight, VVith graceful happy Estelle Houck, so talented in speech, shaf l be the successor of idiss Lease. Yet more than this shall Estelle teach, her upward guidance ~hallllot cease. Carlotta Kinnamon, a star, shall take the degree lIL 0 Her fame sh,dl SoOn ncar ;\"d far, Ihe pride of \·V. ;\T_ C Kathleen Langrall, with eyes spar-kling gay, so winS0111e,so loving. so true, Shall students advise for y, ""V, C. A" as secretary the ",hole SI"te rh roug'h To \\'orlhy pupils, in a sunny land. shall Martha her Domestic Arl h ring: BIll later, shall change from Manahan to the royal narnc of King. f ~[sa 1~~d~~1~r,~~i~;'s:a~~;~l~~l\ir~i:tl~~'ds~~ ~IiA~ ~e~ll;~.IT c~lili!~il~~npl!:';,'~~\xc, women has been given of laIC, Ihey surely shall stand sex, And Nuttle the Governo~ of Sture, her people ne,'er to ,'ex, ;:~~lc r~;~,~c r~,'c~ Ii;~~i'~~I:~;tr;',l(II~tfl~;l(;";:; ~'i ,~,h~~IL~~~c \'i f~ .l~t}\11~~\~Ii~\:,c;l;~ quest. i":,~s~~~I!~~~,~b:al;~~ei~r~r~~eR~\~;~,t,~~:o~lsSI;~~~l~~li~\~,i'~I~llla;:~rHI, Naomi Royer. true 10 her ideal, to Faith, She'll ccasclesslv toil for others' of grace, Dorothy Stephens, our g;elllie classmate, shall yield to the \Vestern call, A resident loyal to Kansas State, bUI slill a friend of all Reba VanS;lnl. of pcr sonafity strong. shall appr eciationof Literature teach, And Wllh her pen, besides, ere long, shall wrong O])11110)1S impeach, Ma rv Welch, a school. On horseback the country so Ethel Whatlcy, our "\Vis-gley" dear, shall be a missionarv to Japan Here's to a noble worker, a cheer, who ever lends a hclpi;lg hand, Anne Wilson, The helpfulness the same, Virginia Wright, familiarly "Airy Ann," shall teach English 10 French 1lllpil.' wee, Her class, a very brilliant band, love their teacher from over the sea, rag~ Elghty,eight
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