Page 87 - YB1923_Classical
P. 87
-I J}11:!tilcmorhul1 RANDALL OTHO STONE Born, August ~J, 1897-Dicu, Apr-il 1J, 192:1 A Meml>er of the Senior Class Pre.<;rkll! of Scnior Inter-collegiate Orutor Editor-in- Chief College ?I01l1hlv; A Camp,my; President Liter- ""Y Society; ])cb:llcr' and for Wcbstcr; Class Medal '.20, 'zr: Norment i\lcdal'20 [or -ono r [onnd. so III lind ijillriliilllh'orrliil'rio lcvcd" -Ti'II".\'SO.11 Om' ulnssmute, and lll'esidcllt of Oil" class, but, more 11.a1l that, ou,' cUllll'ndo find fl'icnd. His life among' us \\'a~ one of munliness, 1111$\\"el'\';"1{ iuraltr, alltl ever- 11"11 t.rust, ill the htgbei- things of, life. He was never known to SU~' nil unkind word, do fill unkfnd act. We luoked to him fUI- \cndel'~hiIJ, alltl in the memory "r hi.'l life we lind ,,"ble Iusp+mtlou. 'Ve lament, the fn.ct thut 110 longer will hc t'"eMI the Imth or life with illS, but we are glad thnt his life touchl.'(l OUI'S, fOl- we al·~'. IlInde »ot.ter thcI"eby.
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