Page 117 - YB1922
P. 117
Baseball Outlook Stnrrtly will the R"!I~(ln for lm,kl"\hnll ,,\,h.> b.-fort' with til!' rhllllJ!'1' of III" wenther our 1111mb will turll 10 Ih .. "port of Ihl' dbuuond. "'rom II 1'11;11111jl:lant'l· nt lhe aituntlou one wO\lI<1 Iw h,.\ 10 !.,'li,'\'(' thnt jl;rlHlunlion 1011.1 11ll.H~· rripl'il'il OUT PT(IS' !WeIR in t hnt 1\"0' 10" .Jullnu}" ('11I~·ton our !Iilrhiujl; MI' 41lt1 thr.,.· \·I1...,.it~· (lutli"hll't'" 110""1'\"\'<, WI' hnvo other Jroml men 10 111l tiwir rl~ll'"rl'l 1111<1will luouhi n strOIli!' 1Ig'g"fl'l!'a- lion around IIII' veternus 111'11 rentuiu, 11;8 too NlrI~' 10 I'rl',li.-, mll,·h O:OU'-"rnillj: till' now !lieu, hul if r(',;nrt~ \'1111 1)1' r('\il'.\ 011 in till' ijliRhll'sl d"I!'H'1' there is ecme new mnterinl t hnt will ,,,,tk.· n stron", bid fnr II vnraitv lwrlh. W .. arc t'x'It·..ting nU,II'h of n(lrlll'~' who 1"';r1l'd C'x<,,'IlI'nll~' wllt'll Rin'n :1 I·hante hl'l y .... r :111<1 whll ;:thlluh\ be 1I111ell h"11O'r 11,,\'1'\0\)1'1\ hy Ihi~ timc. ('npla;" LI'il..11 w.' {(,I,I ~Uf(, ...-ill make Ii ~npnblt' It'lllh'r Ihl h., is I'U'!UWl"\ ,,·:Ih the "'OK! ,·"".'l1linl Ilun\il:;' moe,I.·,1 for tlli;l; n.,.,,,tllp'i~h· JU,'111 nnd thllt h, ··""TIII).'· WI' h"III' 10 I'l:I~' 011 tbe n('Yo tit,ld and look forYonr,1 10 .. hri"'Io'ldng it wltl! d('Ior~' Jlftl'r d e tory. Schedule for 19:!~ t',11"I'11X B. n. Lnrcn ).I\x.\\lnl II. W. woo 'It Wt'~tmin"h", )1,1. nl W...,.tmin~tl", :1.1,1. I'll ......,·w Win.h"f. ).Id. :11 W.~tmin~h'r, ).\,1. :!7 t'ni\"('rHi!y (If PI'ull~~'hallin .t PlliI .. ,I.·II'bia,1'a. ::!7 1'1'1111~Iilitury ('oHq:(' III ('h"'I1-", I'n. •• 29 WUMhinJ,:lon ,,' Che-tertown, ),111. :\111\ :J Br!lIrl".,· 1I11!1 ~Ii!itllr~' '\'·8Ilt·m~·. III Wl·~lmin5t ..r. ).Id. •• Ii l.!t. HI. :\"Ir~''.I • nl 1-~mmit~buri!' ),1.1. • , hi !lInl' Uill~l' :II W ..,tminllh'r, ).hl. " n 1\"llkina at Rnitimun'. ll,1. 17 lh-orgi'lllllJ\ (p.:ntling) ,.,1 WII"hinglOn. n. ("'. ~tI rl\iI,·uit~· or ).1.1. llwl1,\illgl. .111 Wt·'lmin~h·r. )'hl. :!:I lilt. ~I. ).tnr.'·· •. III WI·~I ... ilhh·r, \1,1. :!, l't .• Iohn' •• al.\DII:lloOli,..).t.1. ;\1 WlUhlllgtOI\ NI W'~I ... in~h'r, :Md.
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