Page 114 - YB1922
P. 114
Why Not For Girls? _\lhldi~, urv !liking on nu t vcr hrUlu\{,lIiug ;I~lll'd. Mnn~' Ill'W ~I'0r!~ ure III'I'OUl iJlJ.,t 1'011u1n. in lilt' ,·,,11"$:""" nnd lIl!ln~- old "I}{)rt~. whir-h \",'.'1,.(" ••, w,"" 1111111.',1 to ",1111 in th,. ,-ol],>j.(" it~l'lf. urI' l'l'~olninll' illtN-""Il".:i"t ... Om' of ria' lilli". "1){Irls i. Ilirl~' Im~kt'limll. In nlmoMt :111 !lirls' ('oll"g.'~ mut ,·",·,h"'lItiolllt! lmtltutlous IIIN., is ,\ j.(irl~' l>n~II\'1hllll 1.·,1111r"\,r~~"lIt;n" till' ""'''' i.. 110 oIIIUI'1 hul I1ul1 W,' 1",\',' lIumi' ,'x""P lioll'll mnli.'ri>ll UIII(lIlg tJof' gifl~ in thi~ llue. \\'~ ar.' 10"1110',1 ,·entrnlh· "110111-:" to n r TlUll"· II ""f" i"tl"rl'~liu~ ~d""lul,' hnut gn;"1t fur rrun' h""'" Hr 1'>I.I"ln).(\,'r~' 1II11I'h III J!t't glll,,1 "':llllli 1111 thc hOlllf' 1100'. Th" ,·,,111·.::, is '''1''''''''111,·,1 II.\" Ih., hO,'8 ill ",nn~' 1II,,,rlll. lu,·I\ld;l1lo: r'll'tl.!lll, IJI\*' kill, Im~J(t'lhllll n nd Irlh·k. TIll' Jfirls ,"111 only ,",\Ull'I'b' in II f,'w ~I'nrt~, IIIHIl<'l_\' hll~ kt'tllIIlI 1lI1.! fkJ.i hnrkl' ..·. Wh,· nnl I", Ui ]lll"h 1111'.,' two, or III 1"/181 hu~kl'\lmll, III thf' limit I Wh.,· nOI "1"'1111 II 111l1t' mor,' nlnn,·.\' on 11ll' girJ~' ~I")fl~t It wenld 1,,)1 .. (\~t mudl, It nU.I'lhiug, 81tH W" W"fI' UlIIII" h"lIol\\"lI~', If we ,1""'\up,'\1 11 good luI. kl.'thll11 11.'1IU1, it ....ouid bl.' D$ mu~h of 0 drawing \'nT,1 tOT Ollr ('ollt,l;'(' n~ '111111,1 our bO~'8' I;>UUI~. TIL" girls ho\'1' liltll' PJll'Orlunily IP "how whnt tht'~, "'ldl.I' I'nu, (Iud would lik.' 10 do tor W~~II'Tn .\llIrylllnd. Wit,.. nUl gi'·... \h ..1II Ihlll nl'ilorllllllff
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