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P. 108
Wit II this ~~W Field must. be usherer In !I gr"ill New Ern in Athlotle s! An" tlli.!l New l}rn nlll.!l! menn, "bo\l' till I'I~I', wlml Int('rl'o!ll'f(illtl' "lllll'tics hns atelven tor but 10 otten fnill'd in Il~hiedng, Good (']('an ~p.ort. Thi. mean. better iliNti!! tlll\ll IIOlIIl'tllimes now Ilr('I'nil. Wl'~tl'rn Mnevlnud Ill' Iieves itl a sound mind, in a Bound hotly, anll it purpose~ to ~nl'rin,,1' 1111itlwr. 'I'llI' ~'i('ld te for the Student, RIHI not the Hludl'"t tor thc Pi.,ld, This means also, of ~ourge,-'ln(1 tlli~ go"~ without ;.uyillg, greill leynltv in nnd love fOf thl' College. nut 9UI'II loyalt~' lI1eall8, nllo ...• 1111 .'Is\" loyalty to Qne'R QWlI m:mhood, lo~'nlty to Christian .tnndart!d of bir play,-hurd 1'111,1', but fliir pluv, j'l,'un play: loyalty to Team, I() Coml1lunity, 10 the Jl'ood 1101111' I,'olk who h'l\'(' IlIlId!' it IW~' stble for us 10 be here, loyallY 10 God. It 11I.'Rl111 that hrenkin~ rules or truining, teleration of betting, Of gllmbling, will he abenlutcl ... In boo, Why eOlilmereinlill:e Collegl' Alhletlr.t WI' ~hltll hOt pormlt tlte I"illt of "Of ruption, The body ill 10 he kept ill health thnt it mny hntl~t' II j!fowinl!iy nit'rt ,"ind, lind fit ooth brawn anrl hrniu fOf lIlu~ll'rflll rnnl IJIH"irul Bt'rI'I"t' 10 Ihl' worhl "'''<'II Collt'1(1' Day! are over, ('olll'!!1' is 1101 10 unnlRke manhood, hut to denlOl1 it. Alii leriee il t1 l"gitinlBt~ part of this prll)l'rttm of d('niopillit nmuly I'igor, ,'ourug,', in~ight, ('bivalry. The filiI.' Illayef on the field should he the flue (1:1'1111"111'111,1l.1\\,1I~'8,-OJl the field n.nd off qf it. The Honor of the ('o\l;>(l:e 1'1111 be nUoilllo.ined in hOIl\lfllhie tll'r"ltt, bllt nt'\'rr ill disbonorabll' vil'tol)', The AlllmnuJI ~omt'll hn~k to College to ~ce tirnn _I'ort, Ill' II'UIIIN no J:!llllbling, 111.' iBn't here to plunge inlO high nf 10"" tllHllU'l'. II" ,'ould b(' 1111 IIi~gnllte!l 118 to IQ!I.I! hiB enthusiasm: IIlId he- ('ou\.1 hot> mnde HO jubilant O\','f thl' high toll<' 1I1HI \'igoroua work of lhe boy! flS to deepell hi, loynlty aud enlbl1~h'~'11 wilh .'ver,v \'i~il to hiM AlnHl, "rnter. ('oDlIIIHl'inlisDl l)l'fHtted gll"1' Ihl' Xliti0l1l11 BllijehnJl I'fowd the hlllt'k I'Y'" It alienated the Sllillwrt or 1111 rigbt thinking 111'01Ih', !lnd :\'!Hiunlll HII@l'unll filII rl'gnin its sta!L!ling only by Iht' mo~t IINoie IlrQ('.'~e8 ot eliminntion Hlld Athl('ll(, fllIrgetyl W, M, C.', allll her Men ate gnill,!: to gi\'1' a goo,1 IIl'l'Ollill of IheUlselvl'K. R.o ht'te'.!I to till' Great ~1'W Dllyl A1Ul hl'rl"S to thl' Orl'n! NI'IV ~'iehl1 And bert'" to our lI"1I "ho 1,1:IY, Who,*, honor wilt 1I('1-l'r yil'hl! TE.\MI TEA"11 TF.A~1t W, M, C, TEA"U T"~AM! TF.A"11 Vl('TOUYl Pall' 011, lIu"llrrd TIl'
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