Page 107 - YB1922
P. 107
l'npUlinWard Greater Ath lerics ('OIIH'~ now W. M. ('. HI Ih,' furl', hlHuh!." 1,,11 ,,('ou.Hy. ,.dlh h".r ~1'l<'lhl;d new \11,1('1;" ~'i.'hl, Iil1t'~1 nud mUMt uptn-dute itl thiM pnrt (If Ihl' 1·{llJlllr~·. It i~ Ih.' nHlgnili\'I'nl gift of .\IUII1I1;, ~·;lt·l1lt.I·, I'lmi.-uls, :111,1 t'ri-·Dtls.. Wilh ,h;!J new pl\lul(l~" in her Inl1l, \\. ),1, C. 1l1:\1.;•.~ h"r " .. " in Iht' "j'''I1i;::ht .,f a \:,.\\ \lhll'!i.·~ nln! \-IlJ::lh't.'" ,lrl'llII1I"(\ ot hy \i·h·rn" IIlhh'lir ~"'riut ut he-t- tl:l~'~; ~-''Iltn"tl for h_I' dllllll!ljOll~ of ~..nrrl·d 8hins 'lllll Jl;('1\Ut'~'jlH' phV,,;OJ,:IHlnll' on Ih .. tlint~· lit'lnl
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