Page 75 - YB1916_Classical
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to receive. The Indy with the auburn hair approaches, and just as she extends her hand to Mrs. Gould she smiles. belong to no one hut Frinks. the wild animals shouts. All of this only nn- nounccs that the circus has come to town. The Fire Eater nt the head of the proces- sion in a golden chariot, und there reclining in case among the velvet cushions. just ;IS he wns wont to do back at W. M. C., wns Paul Parris. the mirror rcrlocrs u bcautilulfy laid table. I seellnuwberofgirlsst:lIl(ling there now for the final inspection of their work. The teacher is then admitted. and I see Mildrcd urc one nnd is her class in Domestic Science and then I recall that Mildred had begun her thnt line back at W. M. C., practicing on an electric stove. The mirror now showsn busy section in u large city. It is late in the afternoon and the last deliveries arc made. The wagon of the Union Ten Company steps before the red brick house, and tall dcllvervrnan walks up to the door. A young lady awaits him nnd what is a very friendly chat ensues, then as the man turns back smiling, I sec my classmate Powles. Once more we turn back to \V. M. C. Now we seem to enter Smith Hall. 1\ woman is standing there. talking to the girls. It is n new prcccptrcss. I thought, and she wns plead- ing with the girls "to protect their throut s with collars." How familiar her voice sounds! Just lhen a little hlnck eyed girl stood up and said "Well! Miss Price I would just choke in those things." All visions had disapnenred and J wns about to beg that I might sec the rest of my classmutes, whcn t hc reflection returned, and we had traveled from W. i\LC. to Ihc sunny South. We seem to be in a great city, now we pause before the head office of lhe Atlanta Loan nnd Trust Co., and Dixie, !lOW known ns President Radford, is just coming down the wearing the same old smile. mirror now reflects a large brick huilding. We enter nnd upon seeing rows of boys and girls conclude that this is one of our lnrgc High Schnob. A hoy of ten seated in lhe oflice where he has been sent by his teacher to nwnit the Prin- Presently she enters, wearing II smile lhat I could well remember. The litlle fellow up ami sl.annnered "Miss Roop, I have been awful bad." Now lhe mirror becmno dark. It was night again. The policeman could be seen pa- trolling his beat. Who was this, I wondered? And just then he paused under a street light. To my surprise, I saw lhat it wns a woman dressed in :I dark blue uniform. She look out a note-book and seemed to be wrf ting. The next sign in the mirror rend: Helen M. Smith. Chief of Police. p(lge Sixty-three
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