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eiety. J. G. C. The other hnlf were destined to wnit until the following October before they could be enlightened. those discussed secrets have been revealed to us, we have ducided it was well worth the At last the time W[lS drawing near when we were to be no longer looked upon [ISunder- classmen. We had gr adunlly worked up to before us. \Ve had been of Junior privileges. Of course, the boys hall had them, but the girls. time in three long years, had hecn allowed to go down town from the "gang." Downtown? Wnll, ns Inr as "Grumbine's," 011 the corner. At lust the long desire W:lS to be realized nnd it wns with hcnnung countenances that the lasses gladly dropped Irom their shoulders Ihe burdens of under-class restraint lind out 10 explore wcstnunster. The usual week of commencement was once more upon us. Our number of represen- tatives for the Society contests was nguin this time; Miss BenneLl for Brown- ing, Misses Dyson and Willis for Philomcthcan. Radford and Utz for Webster, and Twigg nnd Green for Irving. Honorable mention was given this yenr to Misses Swnra z, Turner, Kirwan, Norment, and Messrs. Green and Radford. During the Misses Ross and Cooper were compelled to leave us on account of ill health. In of this fael we had battled the hardships of this most dreaded year with nndnuntcd eournge. September, l!Ho found us nil once more cuenmpcd on College Hill with t.he exception of Misses Walkcr nnd Miss Walker is now [I lady of leisure, nnd :III reports Miss Kirwan is succeeding as a "School Mn'nru." This hns been n fact about our class, ns soon as we lose one member we gain nnotbcr. It is no we realize the mugnctic power of '10; but ,...bat does seem should leave his beloved Gettysburg for W. M. C. Anyhow, him among our number. And IIOW wc arc Seniors! edge! This hns boen upheld nnd added to our Five Senior elocution and mustc recitals have given, nil of which have received eommendntion ; and in May the elocntion students render the "As You Like l t." Again "Lcs" has been chosen to represent the College in the with Green as olternatc. \Ve h:1Ve no fear of the outcome. sny "Fnrewell" to each othcr al\d step out into this big, wide to each of us beenuse of the faclthat we know the other members of dear old '\6 nre a part of it. As we think of the rapid appro:lch of the Lime for the pnrling of the wnys, the time for indeCmite, and perhaps for some of us permanent, severing of the bond of class union, we cnnnot conGeal the feeling of sorrow that nalurally grasps us. But the knowledge that we lire Ie:lvillg behind US:I record to be proud of, and Ihnl we are taking wilh us countless jewels of inestimable value found during our four ye:lrs of exploration on College Hill, dispc!"l;cS the dark clouds nnd :Idmits golden r:lyS of sunshine into lhe world wllidl wc nrc now :lboutto vicw thl"Ough the eyes tllnt I"t!nlly see, this world which IIlllsf hold in store for em:h of US:I brighl and h:1PPY future. -THE HISTOI\IAKS. Page Filly-nine
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