Page 169 - YB1910_Classical
P. 169
McCann vs, Shipley-An Appreciation Although this far-famed encounter took place many moons ago we feel that it has never been given due considera- tion by American historians and it is our purpose to correct this omission so far as lies in our power. Why Mr. Greasy omitted this epoch-making engagement from his Fifteen Derisive Battles of the World is more than we can understand. The exact cause of the dispute between these pugilists has never been ascertained, but a for the affection'; of a certainludy, who was at one timein the employ of one of the members of the Faculty, them toward each other. Certain it is, that they appeared that evening resolved to fore the assembled thousands for the honor the name and the color of their lady. (Note. This color is supposed to have been slightly Nubian in tinge). The contestants weighed in fit 3.30 on the afternoon of the fight and Ireland McCann, the Baltirnore Pinchot Snuft, was found to be slightly over-weight, tipping the scales at 73, Troy. He was confi- dent of being able to reduce this before appearing at the ringside, and accomplished it by the somewhat heroic, but alto- gether effectual, method of receiving a hot bath with a vigorous application of and sulpho-nuphthol. The" Pinch" refused absolutely to beethet'ised for this tryingordeal, but, bore tho pain with remarkable fortitude. Gertrude Shipley, the Savage String Bean, appeared in the ring attired in a tailor-made gym suit. As Referee Enfield called the rueu to the center of the ring to receive their final instructions it was seen that the String Bean was at a slight disadvantage. McCann's immense chest and gorilla-like arms seemed to dwarf the proportions of his op- ponent and the botting rose in his favor. It was lowered immediately, however, and a riot nearly started when he an- nounced that he insisted on being allowed to wear his "specs" during the coming encounter. Round One Thc fight opened with a rush. McCann sta-ted rushing Shipley across the ring, slugging savagely. The String BC[l.1l was game, however, and retaliated with three quick lefts which stopped Pinch ill his attempt for a knock-out. Round Two Shipley opened cautiously, and seemed to have I·he better 0]"it for a short Lime. He infiictedseveralsavero scratches on tile Pinch's face and stepped Oil his toes rather cloverly on three occeslons. This scientific fighting seemed to daze McCann, but he retaliated with several vicious pulls of his opponent's ear which made the honors of the round nearly 165
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