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y. w. C. A. Whon we girls came to Western Maryland College as now students one of the first,organizations to attract our atten- tion was the Y. W. C. A. On the first Saturday evening of tho school year a reception was given to the new girls in the and it is here that all newcomers are made welcome. Royal entertainment is provided and a cordial invitation t.he new students to join the Association. Mid-week services are held every Wednesday evening in the Y. W. C. A. Hall. This hall is a largo pleasant room on the third story of the main building. Tho midweek services are usually conducted by the members of the Association, which is hold in November. At this time cUferent members of t.he Faculty are invitei:! to conduct evening themorning services are largely prayer and song services and are led the girls. As a rule the meetings are well-attended; especially this year the girls have taken great, interest in the of the Asso- ciation The reason that we hold our' prayer meeting on a week-day isobvious-that we may not lose interest in our religious duties in the time that, elapses between one Sunday and the next. Each Sunday afternoon, however, the Y. W. C. A. joins with the Y. M. C. A. in holding a short meeting in Smith Hall, which is greatly enjoyed. Some time during the or after college closes, delegates arc sent to one or more of the Women's Ohrisf.iau Association Conventions in the East, Last June we sent two delegates to Mountain Lake Park, and in January a delegate was sent La the Student Volunteer Convention held at Rochester. These girls all returned with glowing accounts of the good times they had enjoyed, and full of enthusiasm for the work in which we m-e so much interested The Association is growing in numbers and strength, and we pray that God will add His blessing to our feeble efforts to advnnoe His kingdom here at College, and that through the work of the Association many may be led to see the beauty of living the perfect life with Christ as our patten}. 105
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