Page 105 - YB1910_Classical
P. 105
Young Men's Christian Association The Young Men's Christian Association is the one organization on College Hill which is large enough to contain all the others, the Faculty not excepted. It stands as the center of all the religiousactivity of the student body. The high moral standard which W. M. C. has maintained for so many years is largely due to the work of the Y. M. C. A. Young men on entering college meet wit.h peculiar temptations and often become careless and forgetful of the teachings of Christ. Herein lies the great influenceof the Christian Association. Its purpose is to aid the students in maintaining and strengthening their Christian characters. Also to show those who are not Christians that the strongest character, the purest life, and the truest manhood is the result of'l_thpgreat ideal"-Jesus Christ. To insure its members against the snares and temptations that, beset them in coIIfgo>lif~r'theChristian Association provides work in Bible study, Mission study, services at the county horneand jail. Each Wednesdayevening the students meet in their neatly furnished assembly room for devotional service which is always presided over by a student and usually addressed by a student. On each Sunday afternoon the Y. M. C. A. meets the Y. W. C. A. in a joint devotional meeting. Astanding committee hus charge of these meetings. These meetings are addressed by students both male and female, by members of the Faculty, and traveling secretaries. For some years past the Y. M.·C. A. has sent delegations to the student volunteer couferenbe at Baltimore, the Tri-State Y. M. C. A. Convention and the student conference at Northfield, Mass. This year it sent a delegation to the Sixth International Student. Missionary Convention at Rochester. The Cabinet for 1910-11is composedof good men, and we expect to see the Y. 1H.C.A. workprosper under their direction. Cabinet for 1910-11 President. G. H. ENFIELD .F. E. DUKES J. W. WRIGHT P. C. PHU,LIPS . W. J. MCG_"RRITY .. D. T. SURRATT 101
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