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III selecting this name to place on the dedicatory page of the ALOHA of 1910, the editors feel sure that the reasons are evident to all who love Western "Maryland College. ?vII'. Baker belongs to a family which has shown the most liberal and intelligent interest in the College for many years. He himself is au honor graduate of the College, and for year" he has been a leading figure in the affairs of its Alumni Assooia- tion. Mr. Bakel' was born ill Buckeystown, Frederick County, Maryland, December 21, 1874, attended the public school there until 1890 when he entered the Freshman Class of Western Maryland College and graduated at the head of his class in 1894. During that summer he was critically ill, and for a time his life was despaired of, but after months of lingering uncertainty he recovered, and his father erected on the College campus t.he beautiful Chapel "in grateful recognition of the mercy that spared the life of a beloved son," as the inscribed tablet in Baker Chapel reads. In the fall of 1895 he entered the Senior class of Yale and took his A.B. degree there in June, 1896. He then took the law Course in the University of Maryland, receiving the degree of LL.B. iu 1899. In 1900 the finn of Baker, Watts and Com- pany, bankers, was organized in Baltimore by himself and two other young men, and it is now among the lending institutions of the kind in the State. Mr. Baker has been active in religious and civic affairs. He was chosen treasurer of the Committee of Arrangements fOJ" WILLIAM G, BAKER, )" the International Christian Endeavor Convention held in Balti- more, July, 1905, and the committee received great praise o
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