Page 218 - YB1904
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The Stewart i- Stern Co. G. SCHIRMER, Publishers and Importers of MUSIC, 35. UNION SQUA"E, NEW YO"K. COLLEGE ENGRAVERS .......AND PRINTERS . Our STOCK of Sheet Music, Books and Foreign Importations is indisputably the LARGEST in the country. Our editions 1024 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. are the very BEST and our PRICES are moderate >II >II >II >II >II >II >II >II >II CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. GILBERT t- GEHR, Makers and Publishers of Commencement and Class Day Invitations, Programmes, Diplomas, Class and Fraternity Stationery, DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN College Annuals and School Catalogues, Exterior and Interior Views in Half Tone Hardware, Coach Goods, Glass, and Steel , . PAINTS, LEATHER, OILS, PUMPS. Steam and Hot Water Heating for Dwellings, Offices, Etc. Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. PRIZE MEDALS FOR FIELD SPORTS. CLASS PINS AND GAS FITTING, PLUMBING AND PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. BUTTONS IN GOLD AND OTHER METALS. . . . . . • . . . . . vii
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