Page 216 - YB1904
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c. Loui s Brock, Pearre E. Crowl Company, DEALER IN Fancy Foreign and Domestic F R U) T S, IPrinters and Engraversi CAKES AND VEGETABLES. CLAY STREET. BALTIMORE, MD. ALSO FISH AND OYSTERS. WESTMJ NSTER, MD. CLASS TABLETS A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED 1892. STEPHEN LANE FOLGER, See former Shields of Western Maryland and SI. John's Colleges. Estimates and Designs cheerfully submitted, 180 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Club and College Pins and Rings. COT~ELL LEONARD, Gold and Silver Medals. ==== ALBANY, N. Y. ==== 1£. A. 1!IIIrig4fs 1£ugrauittg 1!iou!ir. Makers of the CAPS and GOWNS 1106 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. 3JttuttutiOtt£l for 1ItlJ.d~(littg.a. to the American Colleges and Universities from the Atlantic to the Pacific . FASHIONABLE ENGRAVING AND STATIONERY. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc" upon request. SEE OUR LATEST WRITING PAPERS IN BOXES FROM 25 CENTS UPWARD. STAMPED WITH YOUR ADDRESS OR MONOGRAM AT A SMALL EXTRA COST. VISITING CARDS IN ROMAN AND OTHER LATEST STYLES. P-.ICH GOWNS FOR THE PULPIT AND BENCH, v
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