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J. G. C. T Western Maryland College there are several societies. These may be divided into two classes, first, the pleasant and profitable ones, that is, the four literary societies; and secondly, what is known as the J; G. c., which may be almost anything, as this is a secret society of the Senior girls-but to which several Juniors are admitted just before the closeof the school year, so that there will be some to initiate next year's Seniors. J. G. C. meets only twice a year, in its den just above Senior Hall. On the occa- sion of such meetings, the greatest secrecy is observed; all cracks and crevices are closed, no student dares explore those regions for fear of bringing down on her devoted head the wrath of the members of this mysterious order. The J. G. C.'s are becoming more numerous every year, for each out-going class adds more and more brave ones to those most brave. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The soft September twilight was falling, enveloping the stately college in its folds. All nature seemed at rest without, but how is it within these walls of great learning? Surely some great calamity has come upon the inmates or else some great evil is about to come to pass. If one looks more closely at the faces of these students, it is seen that only some are threatened with misfortune-and the noble Seniors are easily seen to be the chosen ones. Their eyes reflect the inward turmoil of their souls, their hands tremble, a pale light overcasts their countenances. What can be the cause of such fear, for such it is, that can so disturb the serene minds of the most wise? Alas! four of their number are to initiate the rest of the class into the mysteries of the J. G. c., and that accounts for the lack of joy among them. And at midnight of this September day the awful proceedings will take place. The bell J65
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