Page 166 - YB1904
P. 166
Junior Banquet. JIll ANY of the customs of thirty years standing the students of Western Maryland College would gladly see pass out of existence, but one there is which the students look forward to from the moment they enter the walls of the college, and that is the banquet which is given by the Junior crass to the Seniors, one Friday evening in May. So according to the custom, the '05 class gave a banquet to the '04. A very friendly spirit has always existed between these two classes, and probably more so at this time, for then an petty feelings of jealously, which exist between the best classes, are put aside for the moment, and one and an look forward to the delightful evening which they will spend with each other. And wen had we an cause to look forward to this banquet, for such a glorious one as it was had not been given for many years. It was talked about for months before the time; the girls discussing the dresses they were going to 162
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