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P. 120
Preparatory Department has a1ways been in existence at Western Mary1and Co11ege. Origina11y this department was located on the College Campus. But as the school rapidly increased it seemed manifest that this department should be separate from the College. So in J89J the new building, known as Levine Ha11was erected by Dr. Charles Billingslea as a memoria1 to his son James Levine. Since its erection many improvements have been made. In addition to two 1arge dormitories, it contains class-rooms, the principa1's apartments, and the Frank Hur1ey Memoria1 Library which con- L..-__ --Jtains about 600 volumes. A1though this department is entirely separate from the college, the students have many of the advantages which the college affords. A11 1ectures, and entertainments are open to the Preparatory students, and 06
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