Page 119 - YB1904
P. 119
Then onward, classmates! Continue in thy pursuits of knowledge. Discouragements will come, often darkness alone will seem ahead, but remember always that "There is no royal road to learning" but keep before you constantly that wisdom is only secured through the most earnest and tiresome efforts. CLASS YELL, J907. Hipper rahper, hoopper rahper, hipper rahper reven, Hurrah for the Class of J907, Pour obtenir du savoir nous vivons. Neunzehn hundert, sechs und eins Besser als wir da sind keines Centuria vicesima sumus septimus Mille et nongenti et septem munimus w<''1)J(oarE eoipouare eo p.ev "[0 /-upOO Boca rete Hubba Iubba, hubba lubba, hubba lubba leven, Wester en Maryland Freshman J907. 05
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