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went out on the beach to take a stroll. Many bathers, also taking advantage of the beautiful day, were having a jolly time in the surf. Suddenly a voice was heard to cry for the life boat. Some one had gone out too far then. Breathlessly I waited to sec if they would be saved. The boat was launched, the drowning ones picked up more dead than alive, and landed safely on the beach. Drawing nearer to get a glimpse of the rescued ones, what was my horror and, at the saute time, joy, to recognize in one of them Ethel 'Trout. She was quickly revived and taken to her hotel, where, in a few clays, I called 011 her, and wearied her, I know, with so many questions. She was a school teacher she told me, but this was her first and last year, for immediately after this little vacation she was leaving, she intended to be married. I wished her a life full of happiness and left her. . We had all thought at school that that bugbear, marriage, would soon have her, and so we were not mistaken. 23. But olt ! how changed were things! Down in the slums of New Y01'!.:, in a tenement bouse, in one room on the top floor, a woman and one child were slowly dying, fr0111starvation mare than from sick- ness. It was the usual story, two years ago a happy runaway mari-iage ; two years later, a drunken husband, a loveless ending. Things seemed dark indeed for her; but here came light. A man entered the 1'00111 whom I at once recognized as Clifford Hancock, 01', 1 should say, Dr. Hancock. The woman's face was at once overspread with joy; here, she knew, was deliverance and help. For who, in her locality, had 110theard of this man, who had devoted his profession and life to the help of this clement of New York City? And who would not feel that deliverance and help were near after one look into his hand- some face and kind gray eyes? Before asking the sick woman what ailed her he poked the almost dead fire into a bright blaze (for it was bitterly cold outside and hardly less so inside) and sent out for food. He had evidently attended many such cases before and knew what to prescribe. The woman, having had a nourishing meal, felt better, and he left with her blessing upon him. Upon making inquiries, I found he had not only received his A.B, rron western Mnrvlund, but had received his M. D. from Yale, and was now practicing medicine in his OIVIl noble H..:h-ut .u arricr] n beautiful girl from his own home in Virginia, and each evening, as he comes wearily to his handsome residence on Fifth Avenue, he is greeted by her loving smile. 91
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