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meeting of the Methodist Protestant Conference; and so my classmate had the honor not only to be nominated, but-would you believe it i=elected. So he had reached the height of his ambition. r stirred: was 1 going to wake up. No; for even as I thought this- 20. r was walking through a ladies' seminary it seemed, and, by the crucifixes and images, 1 supposed it was Catholic. [walked through several deserted school rooms, and concluded it was either a very unstudious college or else it wa.s recreation hour. I found the latter to be the case as, on reaching the campus, T saw girls of all sizes having a good time. My attention was drawn to a younger group, where, surrounded by children, was a woman r seemed to recognize. On drawing nearer 1 found to my joy it was Alma Wathen. Dressed in a sister's habit, her face happy, she was in her eJement. At school Alma had always been in for a frolic, and to see her romping with these children reminded me of school clays. Alma told me she had been teaching for three years; her special studies were Latin and German. She seemed thoroughly happy', and was loved by her scholars. For a while I tarried; several little quarrels were brought to ., Sister Mary" (for this name lwei been given to her on her entrance) to set right. And so I left her, imparting truth and knowledge to the young. 21. The scene for my next dream was laid in 'Wilmington, Del. I was buying jewelry in a large store. As the jewelry was to be a wedding present, handsome and of the best, I scorned the clerk's assistance and asked for the head of the establishment. After some delay, for it seemed he was a busy man, he stepped into the store and-but that face, surely I had seen it. Why, yes, it was Elwood Davis, my old class, mate; but where else hadl seen it? Ah 1 I knew. In an instant the wedding at Cambridge flashed before my mind. Surely, 1 might have known who the happy bridegroom was on that important occasion. Well,jewelry was forgotten for the time. He informed me that his father had taken hi111into the busi- ness. Davis & Son was the name I read over the cloor. That which needed no telling was that he was prospering, for I could see that myself; and that he was happily married, for was Inot at the wedding? The store and all faded around me 22. I was at a watering place, which I recognized as Atlantic City. The day being a \'ery beautiful one, 1 90 - -
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