Page 200 - YB1903
P. 200
Roberts: Yes, we'd better take twenty-five demerits and zeros than have the faculty think we were led by the brutes. Englar: They ean't give us anything but the demerits j to give us zero for being absent, they would have to pass an ex post tecto law, which is unconstitutional. ire/lind: Don't you fool yourself about anything being unconstitutional for the faculty. Carman: That's right. They're at perfect liberty to do anything that Doc will let them. (Lf:wghtcr; 8S it dies 8\1':ly, the Senior quartette starts to sing, "Say Olive Oil but not: Good-bye.") Ireland: You fellows must stop singing or you'll have Rolly up here. He rode me like anything the other day-said he couldn't hear his students recite below there on account of the noise in our 1'00111. (All stop singing except Hurtey.v Englar: Hurley, ifyou c1on'tstop singing I shall be forced to put you out of the room. Hurley: I'd like to see you try it. Engler: I'm afraid I might hurt you myself but I'll appoint Eddie TaIT to do it. Eddv: Well, r can just do it all right. Flu:ley: Ir you touch me, Ed. Tan, I'll put you right under that bed. Engler: Eddie, don't let him kid yOll like that. (Eddie smacks Hurley on the back ol'the head find [I fierce combat eneoes.s Eddie (wal'ing his hand as Hurley grips him fiercciy): Good-bye. boys! Good-bye! Here! go under the bed. (Hurley flings Tnrr back and forth across the room, lifts him lip to the ceiling, but teils ut.tcriy: to get him offhis leet.) TtlIT (plaintively): Good-bye, boys! (Hurley firwlI.\rgives up the etcempt, looking much wilted as to collar end cuffs; Eddie perfcct~I' cool and 11l11'l1fficd.) he/and: J'II bet Rolly ha s me before the faculty for this. Davis: Oh, who cares for the faculty? MI'. President, I move you that a committee be appointed to look into the advisibility of abolishing the faculty and placing this institution in charge of the Senior class. Carman: Is there any second to this motion? Robert's: I second the gentleman'S motion j with this amendment-that recitations also be abolished. __ 190 - -
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