Page 199 - YB1903
P. 199
Terr: Say, how much of this did he give us? Ireland: Sixty lines. Tan: Well, r say we kick on that. Why, you see we can't possibly get over this in one period. The time's half up now. (Not being supported ill his contention, Eddie subsides.) Frenchy: "- which he had taken between the two divisions of Liege and \Va\'re-" Roberts: "Liege," did you say? Frcnchv: Yes, that's where Sampaix comes fr0111. Dtll,is: -Say, have you heard that story about Ssunpaix ? When he went over home last summer, Doc told him to look around and find another musician like him to teach at Adrian. Sam paix cabled back that there wasn't another musician like him in Belgium. (Loud roe-s onallghter.) Carman: I know one better than that. You know Su.mpa.ix has several hymns in the book that we use clown in Baker Chapel ? Chorus: Yes. Carman: Well, one of them is entitled" 'i'r.;"IPERANCE" (more laughter-in the interim Frencby lights a cigarette). Ireland: French)" you'll have to cut out that smoking; we won't have it in her-e. Frenchy : 'Well, 1 won't read the French if 1 CAn't smoke. Chams: 011, let him smoke. Ireland: All right, you can smoke this period. Frenchy: "--of Liege and Wane, with an inclination, however, to prefer that of wavre in order-" Hurley: Say, boys, 1 hear the faculy aren't going to do anything to us for hooking On the Monday after Washington's birthday. Chorus: Hooray. Hancock: Professor Watts said that the Brutes were at the head of it anyway, and the faculty didn't propose to take any notice of it. Turr: Well, boys, 1 say it's a disgrace to have anybody think that we followed the brutes. I move we get up a let tcr to the faculty and tell them the Seniors were at the head of the 'whole business. - - 189 - -
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