Page 147 - YB1903
P. 147
Flistory of p. L. S. ,. ,. ~~NTV-ONE ycars ago there was but one literary society 1'01' the girls at western Maryland, when 1'[tn ardent little band of thirteen of it" members decided to found a new order, its object being the same as that of the mother society-the dissemination of knowledge. The new society \YBS named Pbilomatbean, and this term seems to have been well applied, since those girls who have the honor of be- ing members of this society nrc indeed earnest and enthusiastic in their pursuit of learning. Tne motto of the Philomntlu-nn Society is Vestigia Nullsc Rctrorsum, it were indeed a lack of wis- dom to retrace to sublime heights such as Philo's attainments have reached. Every meeting of is made more gruncl by cnrefully arranged literary exercises, of which, generally, one of the most interesting features is a der-ate 011 some question of un ivctsnl importance. Since the addition of our piano nut ouly vocal, as before, but iuatrumcn tal music bas not been wanting, for the talent of Philo's members not only includes literary and artistic proficiency, but also sn tisfac torv musical genius. The society owns quite a large number of good hooks. which include not only standard books, new historical novels and pO] magazines. but also special trea tises on science, history, classics, etc. The society hall is large and beautiful, and altogether affords a charming place for meeting. This year, twenty-one new girls joined the society, and to these, as well as to all older members, do we ascribe Philo's present glory, which promises to become even more resplendent than that of last year. The Society appears in public twice every year-jointly. with either the Webster or the Irving Society, in the anniversary entertainment; then, dur-ing commencement week, at the oratorical contest for the trophy presented by Prof. Newell, 1888. Nine times out of fifteen have the represencatives of the Philo- mathean Society stepped off the rostrum victor-ious. Philo's efforts have been heroic; her successes phenomenal May her Iutu re be aglow with triumph. - - 137 - -
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