Page 144 - YB1903
P. 144
f)istory of «1. L. s. "" TER another year of uninterrupted progress, webster Literary Society stands for-th. the pride f all her friends, the terror ofher foes. Each suc.cee~illg- term a,rthe yeal: ius,t closed has, founel her ~ farther and farther 011 the road to the rcalizafion of her Ideal, which IS to wor-thily deserve the honor of bearing his name, whom every American hails as our greatest statesman and orator. Or- ganized in May, 1871, with an enrollment of nine names, Webster has steadily grown until at present her roll bears the names of more than half the boys 011 college hill, and her record, in terms of trophies won, stands nine stars to her rival's six. Of such a record we are justly proud. How can we help but love her? Should not our pulses quicken at the mention of her name? 'Welove her, one and all. Her triumphs and her failures, they arc ours. But her staunchest friends arc they who know her best. Who longest serves her learns to love her most, Then let us speak to those who in the coming year will for the first time turn their faces to dear old Western Maryland. Of course you have been careful in your selection of your future college home. Your presence on "College Hill" next year will show that you have chosen well. Be but as careful in your choice of a society and we will ask no 1110re. Webster's past speaks for it- self. How else shall we forecast the future? But for yon, the pertinent question will be, "Shall I help to make that future?" Yours is the life whose opportunities must be realized. With yOll, its future rests for good or ill. Choose well l Do your duty, and we know the pleasure we shall have in welcoming you to webster's fold will but forecast the joy which shall be yours when fondest memories of college days will somehow be inseparably linked with
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