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improper is the attempt to faithfully portray their many virtues in these short lines. They are proficient in all branches of study, but they have reached pcrfectoiu in one thing-unity of class. Feelings of pridc come to us when we realize that the most united class on the hill acts in cooperation with us. Our class, although not blessed with one of those glee clubs which make the halls echo with choice selections, contains a debater whose logic would put a Calhoun or a Webster to shame. This brilliant fellow often sends his class-mates in the earner by the logic of his acute mind Some of his favorite sub- jects for debating are: Resolved. That a mathematical concept is greater than a historical fact. That B-town is a star of the universe The divine origin of the toenail, etc., etc. \:Vc also have a poet whose muse responds in tones that clcctrily the soul. This poet has an excellent memory and, for the benefit of his class-mates, he repeats the choice selections delivered on the stage with a resemblance to the originals that is remarkable. Not being able to master any of his productions. I leave them for the en- lightened generations of the future to study. 1even predict that his name will go out to the world as the greatest man of our class. Now we turn to the approaching end of a year, whose trials and triumphs have formed an important part of our lives at college. True, we have not labored nor toiled any more than our predecessors. but we hope. to have emulated any task clone by classes of preceding years. Having contributed our share of members to every department of school, having covered the courses laid down before lIS, and haying won a name that would grace nny class, we turn with pleasure to greet the new ycnl" as it advances, hoping that 1905, when in the course of her junior year, will maintain her lofty standard and show to the world that hers is one of the few, the immortal names that are not born to die. '905 Class yell. Hulli ge hal Hulf ge hal In anna quinto i.hi-mus Hulli ge hal ge ha, ge he 1 Conari plus et sequijus 1 Grosses Oerausch in all the Hive. Nineteen F'ive ! Nineteen Pi ve! Western Maryland, 1905! Sophomore, Sophomore, 1905! - - 113 - -
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