Page 117 - YB1903
P. 117
Next came our Hallowe'en entertainment; and proud are we to say that 1905 entertained the school with a production that stands without a peer in the annals 01'\\1, 1\11. C. The feature of the programme was a contest for a colored bride, which was followed by a colored wedding. We wis to thank our art teacher for her hearty cooperation in this event, and of course we must say that much of our success was due to her splendid efforts in our hchalf In the beginning of the year we were about to don the cruel garb of wru- and descend on the unman- ageable Freshmen; but, having respect for our prowess in battle, they came vvi th overtures of peace and make apologies for their misconduct, which were gladly accepted, With this victory over the" freshies," we arc destined to go through our career at this college without further 'trouble. We have kept our reputation as lovers of boxes from home. The year was begun with one of those receptions which draw each member of the class from his room to take part in a feast and feel proud that 1905 claim him as one of her honored member-s, Our honored President also entertained us with a ban- quet, to which, of course, we did not fail to do justice. Foot ball has received some attention from us. The gridiron of 1802 was filled with stars from our class, [n fact, the impor-tance of 1905 in this branch of athletics has been acknowledged by the whole school. And, to maintain our boasted supremacy as class champions, we put on the field a team which was about to teach the Freshmen a lesson about the game, when all our were blighted by the un- friendliness or the weather man. A heavy IEdl ofsnow, which compelled us hang up our foot ball togs for another year, was sent by this unkind fellow. Our basket ball and tr-ack teams nrc equally as formid- able and ha\'(' done good work. To ('\'CI'y branch of athletics that receive attention on the hill, we have contributed our share; anc11905 has never failed to carry off some honors by the remarkable ability and splendid efforts of her loyal members. Not alone to athletics has Fortune confined our talents, but we hold positions of trust in ever.Y de- partment of scbool. and all branches of college have received their due attention from us. Particularly in the literary world have we attained a high position. We shall not trespass on your patience with any of our productions, bu I, suffice it to say, such writers as Myers or Smith speak for themselves. But let us speak or our girls. What shnll I say of thcm ? What can be said of such a ctsss ? Tbcv have represented 1905 well in all branches or college they have taken up. I cannot lail to realize how 112
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