Page 109 - YB1903
P. 109
But we must pass on to athletics. \Vecontt-ibuted our part toward making up thc" College Team," but had no occasion to organize a class team. In basket ball we were handicapped by several accidents to our men, but, notwithstanding this fact, furnished our team and upheld our class h0110r. Another field yet to mention is, nevertheless, the one of our greatest prominence; this is the field of oratory, music and elocution. Almost half our girls are students of special elocution, and fulfill with honor all the requirements peculiar to this field of college life; while those who study music" play like a dream." In the line of oratory several of our boys are ambitious, and their ability is evidenced by the fact that three were chosen for the preliminary to the" Intercollegiate Contest," Now our year of "Jolly Junior Life" draws ncar its close. Soon the echoes from the walls of "Old Ward Hall" will cease to give back our songs of joy and yells of pleasure. Soon we must assume OUI" Senior dignity. But, as we pass from the scene of so many pleasing experiences, let us lose 110 atom of goodfcllowship, and there amidst OUI" Senior cares, even there, will come occasions where we may say again with Milton that passage which so well reflects the spirit of the past :year: " Haste thee, Il)"mph, and bring with thee Jcstllndyoulhftlljollity- Quip~al1d crauks aud wanton wiles, Nods and becks, lind wreathed smiles, - - 105 -
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