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for three years one of onr most able and popular members, upheld the banner of his class no more. And one of equal rank was missing from among our fair maidens. She who was to prophesy to what each of us should come in after years had deprived 11S of the advantage of her 'wonderful foresight. And then, as if for fear we might overlook the uncertainty of human affairs. fate took from us our hietorien, With "J\tlemory" gone, "knowledge or the future" gone, what more could mortals lose? "Why, where is our secretary?" The college walls, just waking from their summer's sleep, answer with the echo, "Gone." A new election was first in order, and we had it. The vacant officesare now filled. Our little squad- ron presents an unbroken front once more, and lifts again the pa~an"Noll Onmie Morinr." "What course shall 1 take?" was the next question which confronted each one; and, although we were not exactly" of one mind," yet but two courses seemed to have any claim on our attentiou. After we had settled down to earnest wad, again we fonnd the class divided as follows, viz., nineteen Histori- cals and eight Classicals ; thus we have only chosen two roads to reach our verdict in the same ease-at- law; for, says the Classical Division, "Out of your own mouths you are condemned," while the His tori, cals exclaim, "By your acts ye are judged, be your words what they may." "But Juniors 111UStbe jolly," and so we are. This fact perhaps explains the organisation of the "Junior Glee Club" so early in the year. After we had for some time rent the stillness of the night with imcertnin sounds, even music has gradually yielded herself to us as her masters, and now contributes her part toward a fellow's happiness by gliding "fnto his (brker musings with fI mild And gentle sympathy thal steals away Thcir shnrpuess ere hc Is uwsre." As a result of this club's efforts we have several new class songs and a much needed college song. Neither an:' the girls opposed to fun-at the proper time. They tell 11S boys wondrous tales of how they "had a midnight feast," "dodged the teacher," "hooked to a classmate's room," "hooked light after ten o'clock," etc., etc. All of which things give spice to college life and help to clear the tangled bruin after a long battle with Psychology or Calculus. Rut \Vhe11"The Social Event" comes round each week you find them just so interesting and lady-like that even Prometheus might have been content to suffer had he rendered them some immortal service instead of "Stealing fire for senseless I11CI1." 104 -
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