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and by the support of the entire class presented a programme which far surpassed that of any previous class, It would seem absurd to attempt to depict our ability in athletics, for our efforts have been far-reaching, We have furnished some or tile best men on the foot ball team, and it was our class that furnished several men to the base ball team, besides our clever pitcher, Regardless of the difficulties under which our basket ball team labored, its success was apparent from the first, owing to the persistent manner in which the captain organized and trained his team. But not alone did our boys bring honor to the class, for our girls struggled Valiant(ly) through the Day(s) of practice with such Sterling qualities that when the)' met their rivals, namely. 1903 and 1905, they found them easy victims, and thus gained a place second to none, other than the team represeucative of the Senior girls, Our fair maidens! Research fails to find words expressive of their many fascinating qualities. We have singers whose notes rival those of the nightingale. and instrumental performer whose records any musician might envy. They arc both ambitious and talented, and are undoubtedly the best elocutionists on College Hill. As a class, they ha ve labored inces- santly to accomplish those things which would bring fame and honor to 190-1-. Early in the year was resumed a custom which had been abolished long ago. Yet the dauntless spirit which has ever dominated our class, though allowed to lie dormant bv the timidity of 1903, was awake to any nnfair act of 1905, so it was upon discovery'that they had invidiouslyobtained our colors that we decided to point out the path along which the greeuies were to conduct themselves, So on the morning of October 25th they (1905) appeared at the door of the dining hall ready to spring their great surprise, but unfortunate for the poor fellows we were on to 'em. In an instant our never Ainching men had fallen upon them find had inflicted punishment of which they had never dreamed. Still not content with a taste of their blood, we charged upon them again on the college campus and swept them from the hill. Thus was the greatly anticipated triumph of cunning 1905 tur-ned into unexpected defeat by brave 190-1-, \\'e have struggled day by day, and burnt our midnight oil thn t we might solve the problems which have confronted us from time to time, until we hnve passed successfully through the ,Ycar. And now the parting year is about to usher us into a greater rmd more advanced field of work, $0 let us go faith glorying in our many achievements, determined that our Junior year shall bring greater glory to the noble class of 190.J.. 102-
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