Page 113 - YB1902
P. 113
j901f f)istOfY of 1901. " " " found the ever-alert class of190+ HE calm days of September, 1901, severing the affectionate tics of a home life and wending its course toward the invigorating hills of Westeru Xlaryland, delighting in the fact that it had taken one step toward the coveted goal on which is written in golden letters S-U-C-C-E-S-S. It was with a degree of regret, however, that we found QlII" class some- what smaller than in the preceding year, and among the missing were such men as H. C. Patterson and H. S. Riggin, whose athletic abilities not only brought fame to our class but also added fresh laurels to the brilliant record of our institution. Notwithstanding this falling' off in numbers, our noble class, realizing the great responsibilities of the Sophomore year. began work by manifest, ing that never-tiring spirit which has caused us to stand preeminent among the other classes, and won the admiration of the student body. We willingly accepted the privilege accorded the Sophs each year, that of giYing the Hallowe'en entertainment, and entered it with a dcterrmna, tion to make it a great success. We artistically decorated the gymnasium, 101
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