Page 105 - YB1902
P. 105
Junior 'Yells. ,.,.,. Class'ldl. fitetcrteal lcU, Chink In, boom tn, chink ta, boom tn, Ge he, ge ha, ge lin ha ho, Sis boom bi, Smnll5 nndecim in uno, Western Maryland! Western Maryland! .. Oprimi, ~Iaxitni," is our aim, 1903 ! History! History! "Je vous aime.' Tacitus, cresar. Xapoleon, tOO, (Aa{1'wpu' U" Ttl 1rP'rxr(}fIO Herodotus, Gibbon, who wah who! Kpi'TU.K'Uy(J.()' llIJ.'.fl" L'm \'ah, nm yall, uut yah ye, Rip, mh, re, we shall be Class 11l1111lJ.€:r tllTee of the century! Till ~11e time wIlen Chink til ta, boom ta, boom ta ta, IlL "Helle Lichte der Geschist .. ." Hip, hur",h for 1<]03 t Boom biddy, boom ball, doo do dishte. .' Hic, haec, hoc ,. boo Modern Language leU. "l'etat c'est ncus." Rail hoo, dah uoo, voici, vcici les grands juniors, Hip xoo, roll zoo, Am beriiknuesten siud \Vir xrenscuen, Hiptiddy a koo, Modern Language do we study, Aughty-three (03) nchu, And toil we keep steady, Historical, rau ! ! Was ist uu Lebenlresser ? Pour felre sou chemin nell de Meilleur, 1903! 1903! Classic;tI'leU. Xumqnrun r", adversn qlln'l-si Scientific '\:('11. Pars est optium ex ctesst Latin, Greek. ein wenig Delllch, Chemie, Botauik , ,\ng!o-Saxon 110t SO lllllCh, lIio101,<1e. rb~'s;l<, Semper, \'iCIOr, who are 'U! I Secus, sech~, sie EufJ.w '''PlUTO' \\-i,;sen~hart,\\'i~nS(:hdt 1ro.\u fJ.€YIUTf)!. 1903! Cla ...aical ! Classical! 19"31 ~)3
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