Page 103 - YB1902
P. 103
nistory of rbe Class of 1903. """ AlN it becomes the pleasant duty of the historian to write the his- tory our class has made during the past year. we returned to college in the beginning of the year soon to realize that we had lost eleven members, who were greatly endeared to us, because they were 1903's, and as such they were a part of LIS. It has beeu truly said, "college days begin when you arc Freshmen, but college life begins with the Junior year." Xo class has 1110re full" realized the truthfulness of this statement than the Class of 1903. ~ Although we are represented in ('\'cry useful organization, still we are human and can be seen in many pranks and jokes. Earnest at I. times," but not always so, "mischievous" only by" spells." Where is displayed a greater love of pleasure than among the "jolly Juniors?" We never lose an opportunity for a good time. "Feast" after "feust " has been partici- pated in by us. When the boxes failed to reach us we easily made arrange_ meuts for supper somewhere else. Especially do we recall two such sup- pel'S; and, oh ' my.' how we did devour the delicacies set before us. Von should see one of the pictures the Juniors had taken at one of their 93
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