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In Memoriam. m ET us turn, termination of our """ the to festivities a which mark the upon from suc- my class-mates, cessful bestow course ever We will the grave into of one whose um memory the shall character of our departed our hearts. enter friend upon no enconi It needs none. Far more beautifully than it can be written was it lived and acted in our midst. It was not his to shine. "Far from the crowd's ignoble strife he kept the noiseless tenor of his way." Yet knew him best 'saw in that soul a fire, and in that a patient endurance and quiet determination to the of each and all. He had scarce entered upon the the rosy dawn of manhood was but kissing the eastern hills, burden became heavy and he sank to silence by tbe wayside. It was a belief of the ancients that those who died young were especially beloved by the gods. "Beautiful indeed the thought, noble the hope. Whence then death's pain? Has barren philosophy robbed us of the hope of or in the night of death does heaven's bright vision grow dim? 0 grand miracle and mystery that thou art. must we stand forever guxing at the great WHENCE and WHITHER, which form the beginning and the end of thy fathomless contemplation? \Vhen Christianity was carried into Britain it is said a chieftain once asked his councillors whether or not they should accept the new creed, when one rose and responded: "So seems the life of man, 0 King! as a sparrow's flight, when a man is seated at his board. The sparrow enters at the window, lingers for a moment in the warm firelight, then vanishes into the outer darkness; but whence it cometh or whither it goeth we know not. If this new religion tell us of these, let us _follow /1." So let us in that beautiful faith. in which our died find refuge from our grief, strength for our lives, and hope and comfort in the dark hour of death. We rnust part now lrom the scenes which we have lived together with him. But more than the marble which marks his place, fresher than the garlands bloom upon his grave, brighter than stars which blaze in his immortal crown shall be his memory in the hearts of 190]. -+ go -c- b-
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