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P. 94
FANNIE HARRISON HOPE, • st. !I'IichaeIS,'!lI(\ - HHT,EN GEN!\Vll(VE HUI\"'j"J!R, Annapolis, Md. "Sicklied o'er wi,h the p"le~"st or thought .. PhilOlllathean. Helen Hunler is the "deep" member of the--thTrium- virate. Is thoughtful 011 all subjects, considers the modern novel llleretrasil, a11d feels at home ill nothing leSSSllblimethan Emerson's Self ill which she finds more tll(", Emerson All filld~ its itl.,,,l ill Latin prose, and guitar accompaniments of "Over the bannister leaned a face." She looks 0\"\:1' the etiquette of the FRANK UN PORTER KRAUSS, . Alexa"dri", v«. . He ha~alUi"pl~cedeyebrow 0" l,;s 11pperlip." r. L. S.; member of Track Team, 00, '01; member of Or- chestra. The exceptional man inthe class. 15 the (111)' one who can run a hundred yards in 10.!4seconds; the only one who I1cill,er to joke nor becomes the butt of a awl neither hall a girl nor tried to get one. [or owls, and his features have been bird. His disposition does not allow him to be cause ever before him gleams the ,. Star of happy. He alone can raise a mustache, and idea, and that isa wrong one. -+ 8" +-
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