Page 83 - YB1900
P. 83
based on events which transpired during the Civil War. This seems to be one of the best histories of'that time which has appeared in fiction, and, although this is his first novel, 1 feelsure he will publish 1110rehistorical_works. When in the history recitation littlc did his classmates dream that "Davy" would become such a genius, al- though it might have been seen in his brilliant orations, which always touched on history or economics, and which showed so plainly his preference for these branches. Not long ago an entcr'ta.inment for charitable purposes was given in Baltimore. Among those on the program was Evelyn Jackson C"'I·"";.h:~~ ~~!:~'~;:io... Rinker, who recited a very difficult selection. She was encored and compelled to appear lllany times before her audience. This was by no means her first appearance before so vast a throng. Nor was there anyone present who felt that she would not make a success of it, for had she not charmed her schoolmates into forgetfulness of tbe present and compelled them to follow her whither she wished? When she had finished, many were in tears at the thought of the picture she had brought before them. In this humble way she is influencing many people to higher ideals in their daily life. Dr. Stauffer is a very promising physician. His specialties are the Eye and the Ear. He began pmcti('ing medicine ill Frederick, but decided that if he moved to a larger city he would have 1110reopportunities for advancement. Now he -i- 73 -i-
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