Page 82 - YB1900
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operations .. Its discoverer, Dr. B. O. L. Wells, is one of the three physicians of the Class of 1900, and his discovery was due to a long series of critical experiments in his laboratory at Berlin, Germany .. DI". Wells \...ill soon return to America, where he will establish a school for the instruction of Amei-i- can physicians in advanced surgical operations. But one thing mars his happiness, and that is, he is not able to decide which one among his many friends of the gentler sex shall preside over his home. Rumor has it, however, that he will return to the town of Westminster and there cast the lot that will decide his c1estil~Y. Sara Weeks followed the advice of her friends andentered a law school in New York. There she remained four years. By the time she was graduated she had decided that she would open her office in that city. She has not been practic- ing law long, but she has shown in the few cases already given to her what a remark- able ability she possesses. She joined a woman's club, and has become a leader in trying to secure woman's rights; on which subject she is a very eloquent speaker. Surely Sara ought to be grateful to her classmates for encouraging her and giving her all the opportunities for talking whenever she desired, whether she had anything to say or not, for it is clue to this fact that she is now so successful in her work. Among the historia1 novels that ha ve lately appeared is one by a new author, David Marine .. It is a southern story, -1- 72_
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