Page 8 - YB1900
P. 8
'-;OOk and Job Printing_ From the Simplest to the Most Elaborate and Complex Forms. Satisfactory Work Guaranteed. Prices Low. The Examine~ P~inting and Publishing »ouse, 7 and 9 North Queen Street, ~ kancastes, Pa. )~ ~ ~lW Inlercon~gjat~ 8u,eiluoIAcadem;cCoslume. Estnhlishcd 1875. Cotrell & leonard, We 472-4-6-8 Broadway, We would like to nave your trrule. Albany, N. Y. ".,.".,... we arc First·class . Tailors. Caps, Gowns and Hoods Suits ~Iadc to Ortle" $10, $15. $20, $25 and Fine) to \1.,e All.•..en~al1 'ij',;l;~~~\li~t~ in every Description. Clotheskeptill0rderforoneyearrree' .nduUlltg S. GoJdheim & Sons, 519-521 East Balti1l1ore SL Haltimurc. Md. CIKuConlractsilSpednlly. Ltlust'atedRulleti", S~mple,;, £te.,upon "ppli(al;"n. iv
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