Page 12 - YB1900
P. 12
TO QURJ)£ER (5)- .. .. .. ~reface. E have tried to present in this volume the different W phases of college life as they appear to the stu- dents, and especially as they appear to the Senior Class. Seriously, we have made no serious effort to be serious in our serious moods nor in our moods that are not serious, and in all seriousness we hope that 110 one will be so serious as to think we are serious when we are not serious. We feel that this is a serious matter, and we write seriously for those who are disposed to be serious. In truth, we have 110t even tried to be humorous in our humor- ous moods. All wit and humor which we place before you are the spontaneous outcome of the characteristics of the individual caricatured, and we hope that you may see them under the same funny light as we see them. We must apologize to" our dears" (i. e., those who never -1- 4-l-
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