Page 163 - YB1900
P. 163
A S the season has advanced, the tennis players have been .L-i_ rounding iuto the pink of playing condition. Although tennis is looked upon by some as a "back number," the majority of the old players find as much enjoyment in the game as ever before. No game can be substituted for tennis which will give the same amount of invigorating exercise combined with scientific accuracy and individual rivalry. As in all athletic sports, the men who get the most enjoyment out of the game are those who put the most energy into it. The playing this year is superior to that of previous years. The players have more control of the balls in serving, and the returns are made with 1110re confidence. The swift line ch-ivesand speedy volleys, from near the net, make the sec- ond return almost an impossibility. The efficientlobbing in singles and the team work in doubles seem to indicate the return of the championship to 'V. M. C. this year. -1- 139-l-
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