Page 162 - YB1900
P. 162
:JI3ase :JI3allin '00. " " " HE prospect fo'r a good base ball team, although not T so good as they have been in several preceding years, are nevertheless ver-ypromising. The loss of Baker, Whittaker, and Lee will weaken the team very much, and the hole left by their absence will be very hard to fill. But we have got in some \'cry good new material this year, which, although somewhat green, can by proper coaching and practice be made to show np \'cry well. Coach Bur- lingame and Captain Stauffer ha ve taken the new men in hand, and after a little practice they, together with the members of last year's first and second teams who are still at college, can be expected to make up a first class team. The extremely late spring has handicapped us considerably in our early spring practice, and, at the time this goes to press only two games have been played, and it is yet too early for anyone to make any definite predictions as to the real worth of the team. Barnhart wilJ be the chief main- stay in the box, with Sloan, a new man, to help him out if necessary. Stauffer continues his good work behind the bat. The infield will be rather new with the exception of Marine and Roberts, who will be found at second and third. The whole outfield will be new, but will have the advantage of a ycars work on last year's scrubs. Thus, although somewhat inexperienced in the knowledge of the game, the team is made up of good material, and with careful coach- ing and hard practice on the part of the men themselves there is no reason why the team of '00 can't be as good as any of the teams of preceding ycars and prove an honor to olclW.M.C. _,.188 -~-
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