Page 134 - YB1899
P. 134
I Nlooking over the p~ges of the different college ~apers, which f~om ti~e that there we have noticed to time have come 111tOour hands, IS a wide as to what a College paper should be. of opinion Some seem to difference hold the opinion that its main object is to give local news concerning the students, the alumni, and the friends of the College. Others, that its pages should be chiefly devoted to news concerning the College athletics. W estern Maryland College Monthly is edited with a far different end in view from either of these. Some years ago a few students realizing the importance of a practical knowl- edge of journalism, proposed the plan of getting out a College paper. This hav- ing met with the approval of the Faculty, the first edition was soon published, and a work was established which has since proved to be one of the greatest factors for practical education on College Hill. One may devote his whole life to the study of history, of English, and of the classics, and with all his knowledge of these branches he may not be able to write an article for publication that would do credit to a public school graduate, when on the other hand, if he had. had practice in that line, no one might be found who could surpass him. Society to-day needs practical men, the Church needs practi- cal men, the world needs practical men, and wherever there is found an institution or an organization which helps to make practical men, that is the institution or organization which is doing the most for the world. This is the chief object of Western Maryland College Monthly. The importance of a College paper we think must be plain to all from what we have already said. Oftentimes, we as young people, forget the things that are for our best interests; we fear this is true with respect to writing. We, too, often feel that we have no ability along that line, and that we will leave the work to those who have, but one word of exhortation to such is: Do not despair, because it is for the assistance of such as you that the paper is published month after month. Take advantage of this great opportunity which is offered you. Be persistent in your efforts, and success is sure to attend you. 124 •
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