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Bistory of '97. UST as sure as the history. of every nation has certain focal points at which lias and [rom which has gone out those which or mar the future of that nation; even J so is it that every institution of learning whose doors have been thrown open for the of teading the young idea how to shoot, has some points Wllich its consider to be the 1l11cJClIS from which there is disseminated inestimable influences. Such a point is the twelfth of September of eighteen hundred and ninety-three to w. M. COllege. On day Jupiter, king of the gods, having CHJl,RI..£S E. FOREI ..INE.S PRESIDENT CLASS OF '97 called to assemble his trusty co-workers, revealed \0 them a scheme which hO:' had resolved to carry into He c011lm:ll1ded them to go forth and entice by their various arts whom they should consider to be helpful in accomplishing the proposed end. These heavenly cohorts, in their aeriel 79
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