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'96 (lass Ode. (Tlllw-"Old Black Joe.") Gone are the clays of our school life, bright and gay; Yet in the past we linger still to-clay. Mem'ry will e'er 'mid the bright scenes loudly dwell; 0, Alma Mater, we are leaving thee, farewell. We're parting, we're parting, Dear old class we've loved so well; O, we'll loyal be to thee- Oft in our dreams we'll wander back to thee- Back to the days, so happy and so free; When, one by one, shall fade life's dreams away; Then shall thy counsel cherished be, e'en as to-day. Why are we sad? Why do we linger here? Must we then break these ties of friendship clear? 0, Ninety-six, ill our hearts thou e'er shalt dwell; We're leaving thee forever, with one la~t farewell. lilA Mxv DODD. 74
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