Page 218 - YB1896
P. 218
GILBERT & GEHR DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN Ilanlwar~, Coacb.Goods, Glass, Paints, Oils, [[or." Shoes, Horse Nails, Fil"s alld Kasp5, Spokes aud Hubs, Carriage Boils, Harlrou of all kinds, "fire, Toe, Spring and Cilst Steel, Fumaces, 510,·e•. etc. Steam and Hot Water Heating for Dwellings, Oflkes. etc. Ga. Filting, Plumbing, "nd Plumbers' Supplies 'Barb Fence Wll'e, Slate Mantel". 'IloofiRE alld S/lOlttin!1 a Sjleclaltu.· WESHIINSTER, 1\1]). TI\KE HIE Western Maryland Railroad --TO-- Western Maryland College, Pen-Mar and Gettysburg. The oldest, largest and most reliable house for GENTS' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. Alwuys the latest and best selected styles. WESH"ilNSTER, MD.
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