Page 215 - YB1896
P. 215
'~ Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 CIGARETTES. I CI(;A]{I(TTI': ~,I(jKERS who are willing: to plly a lillie more than the price charged rOT the ordinary trade Cig- arett es , will find 'l'hla Hrnml others. These Cigarettes are made the brightest, mOM delicately fluvorcd and highest cost Gold I,ellr grown it) Virginin. This is the Old und OI"lgIIIIII 111'1111« of Stl'ilight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in theyearlSi5. III·;"'AKI.·; 0'" 1:tII"I'A-I'IONS. nnd obe.,","" lhnt (I,e ...... nne as belo,,- i. 011 ev~ry package ALLEN & GINTER, THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO~[PANV, Successor, ltlallllractllrer, RICHMOND, V.ReIN.A. WILLIAM W. THORNTON ••• ~aper lRuler. No. 16 E. BALTIMORE ST. BALTIMORE, MD. WILLIAM ROCK, STEAM POWER MANUI-'ACTURER 01' FINE WOOD WORK OF ALL KINDS, Furniture ill all ils tmincbes, Store and Office Fixtures, Fine Hard Wood Cases for jewelers and Opticians, Tete- phone, Te!egrapb and otber Hectricat. Wood Worl, &c. Office and Factory. 409 N. PACA STREET. BALTIMORE. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. __
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