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far~w~1Ito tM faculty. My days at school will soon be o'er, And then, all! I'll be free. I'll think of plus and minus no more, Nor dear old .. Roly ' of thee . Aooir and Eire 110 more I'll Whatever the consequences Verne and 'Whitney I']] soon forget, So .. Betty," farewell to thee. r now dispense with Itic-!wcc-!wc, From Caesar I shall be lree : No more I'll deal ill Latin stock, So Black, farewell to thee. with you I cannot part art, Old" Shad, with yOI1 J have had some [\111, Yon are so flat and plain, You, my wit, some good have done. But we'll never meet again. No more I'll hide my cigarette, Till you 110 smoke can see, And though I say it with regret, Okl Dean, farewell to thee. Although it causes a tear to start. And my feeling-s painful be, Yet dear old" Doc," we all must part, So old fellow, Farewell to thee. '7'
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