Page 187 - YB1896
P. 187
Who is it that tries to be As big a sport as "VV111. B." And often fails so utterly? "Plld." Who loves to par!uy-vo/ls so much, And glories in teaching Dutch, And hates to see a "Trails" so much? " Betty." Who can open her mouth as wide As fissures in a mountain-side, From which melodies (?) in torrents slide? "Madame L." Who is it that thinks she's such a .. beaut," And tries to be so awful cute, In ways that sometimes don't quite suit? "The Infant." Who teaches us how to use the voice, A not of the students' choice, At going we all rejoice? "Beulah." Who treats the boys so awful Excuses from to skate all And has a case Miss __ , "Jh-ush." Who is it tells the "Beware!" 'While smiling at girls they stare, Yet does herself the "Dean" ensnare? "Sister Sue." Who give to each ellpl1011cOUS name, And respect them highly all .thc same, And would detractors badly lame? The Students. "7
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