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lion have enrolled in the ranks, of Webster. The year '95-'96 did not prove an exception to this rule, as this year's roll shows a membership of sixty-one- the largest number of in the existence of the society. VIe will not boast the good which has been accomplished by the influence of this society upon Western Maryland College students; of this we will let those testify who have gone out from the walls of Webster to engage in duties of greater magnitude in the affairs of the world. Our exactives, many of whom 'are filling honorable positions in all branches of the professions and making their marks in the business world of fa-day, reflect great credit upon the society. This year has been one of pleasantness and profit to the members of Web- ster. Under the inspiring influence of the success which attended our contes- tants in secllring the Merr-ill wreath at the last Commencement, we entered upon the year's work with the characteristic zeal and earnestness of all loyal Web- sters, and 110W, at the close of the year, we feel gratified to know that OUf efforts have not been in vain. With the best interests of Webster Literary Society at heart, and under the encouraging influence of bright prospects, we pass another mile-stone in its history, trusting that in the future the standard of our society .may not only be kept at its accustomed height, but raised higher, showing that we not only still live, but gro-w. HL5TORIAN.
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